This post may bored you, as many people may not believe what I am trying to say, but I swear that this is true, at least from my own experience!
Last Thursday, as I was waiting for lunch with my foreigner colleague at the Curve, I went to browse through some books at Borders. Well, it was the same spot where my good friend recommended me some readings, especially in soul searching topic. This was the place I came across Oriah Mountain Dreamer's The Invitation
I read the few pages, and I couldn't believe that what she was used to experience was similar as mine! Is it just a coincidence?
Many years back, I didn't know why I was in depression. I felt I was like an alien in planet Earth. Many nights, similar to Oriah's experience, I woke up and I felt emptiness. I was lying on the bed, feeling a void deep inside my heart. Feeling such a way may gave me an impression the best solution was suicide (By the way, please don't to commit suicide, ok?)
I couldn't find the answer. Until now, when someone recommended me a book called "The Power of NOW" by Eckhart Tolle, then I realised why some people like once me and others as well, were being so negative in life.
Many religions believe that humans consist of mind, body and soul. And do you ever realise that our main "enemy" is our mind? Hmmm... sounds weird, is it?
Mind, most of the time, controls our body. Mind creates thinking, which often heavily depends on our past and the illusioned future. Ask ourselves, did we always think about NOW, whenever we encounter problems?
Thoughts then may creates emotion, which commonly leads to jealousy, envy, anger, selfishness, arrogance etc.
Just take an example, about intimate relationship. I'm sure many of us failed in love before. How normally we react? Why some people take such a long time to let go? Simply because we think too much and our mind making too much noise. Some people totally controlled by our mind, thinking how much they have sacrifice in the past, etc etc etc and how terrible their life will be in an illusioned future. Come on, past is already gone, and the future is just an assumption and it is just an illusion. People can let go fast when they understand what they need NOW, and they want to end their suffering and therefore they let go.
It may be just similar to triangle love. Common thoughts such as "you spend more time with him, so you love him more" are just that our mind creating too much noise, which then leads you to jealousy, envy and anger. If we think in a positive way consciously, is it LOVE just about time spending? How about the sincerity of love deep inside our heart?
If we only concentrate on what is the best for us NOW, do you think we still in despair when we fail in love?
Lots of books ask us to be focus and in order to focus, we need to calm our mind, control our thoughts consciously. The most effective way is still meditation. When your mind reduces the noise, you can think calmly and I stronly believe all negative thoughts will be reduced significantly.
Ask ourselves, what is the purpose of life? It's all about hapiness.
I meditate almost every morning right after I wake up for at least 10 mins. Now I feel I am connected more to my surrounding. I don't feel any void in my heart anymore, but love for being born into this world. I enjoyed every moment that I spent, whether in gym, telephone calls with bf, work, driving etc.
I can do it, and why not you? :)
刘永: who else if not you? :)
Lol, funny comment and reply.
OK, I know all these things, and I agree. But it's hard not to get sad, despite how you want to be happy.
Sometimes I feel sad for not being able to find my true love and I really can't avoid that, no matter how hard I try.
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