Bryan's Blog

Monday, July 03, 2006


"You know me well, we can't be lovers. Why not just be friends instead?" Bryan to A

I still remember it was on Sept 2005. I received a shocking SMS my ex-coursemate, A (a girl)

A: Is there any possibility that we become couples?

I was shocked. I knew she was interested in me, but she knew my sexuality. Why she asked me such a weird question? I knew I need to deny her love. How? What should I tell her? I need to concentrate in career? I don't like her at all? Or I am gay and I couldn't accept you?

After thinking for 45 minutes, I need to be sincere with her. Love cannot be a sympathy. Nothing is more meaningful if I am not sincere to myself and most importantly, to her. I need to be fair to her by telling her the truth. She deserved it!

With my trembling fingers, I started to press my phone button to key in a reply

Bryan: I'm sorry. We can only be friends. I'm attracted more to guys than girls, and I'm comfortable with that. Hope you respect my decision. Pls delete off this sms after reading it

But I was unsure to send this kind of reply. I consulted Hafiz Hector, and he agreed with my reply. Still I was in lost. But he said he would press the SEND button for me if I was scared to do so. Finally, I closed my eyes and send it

50 minutes later, A called me. She said she respect my decision and we would continue our friendship and agreed not to talk about this matter to anyone anymore.

2 months later, I received another SMS from A

A: Can I tell about one of our friends about what happened to us? I need ur permission.

Bryan: You promised not to do it, right? Why u still want to bring it up?

A: Just for sharing.

Bryan: I thought we promised not to mention at all.

A: I just want to ask ur permission.

Bryan: (angry) Ok, if u want to tell, nothing can stop u. It's up to u. U r matured enough to decide what is right or wrong...

A: So can I?

Bryan: Up to u

Then we didn't contact each other until in April 2006.

A: Did u try to call me?

Bryan: No, probably I mistakenly press the number

A: Why u didn't contact me?

I didn't reply.. Then she sms me again

A: I think our friendship will come to a full stop. I'm hurt because u didn't contact me for so long. I don't need a friend who doesn't bother me at all

Bryan: What? Just because I didn't contact 4 few months, n u want to end our friendship. What about ur other friends? Do u do the same? Or just because I rejected u. U r just ignoring the truth.

A: This is my final decision. I respect urs, hope u respect mine. Pls delete my no. I will delete urs now

Oh, God... Btw I still keep her number. I hope one day she will understand me as love is never for symphaty. I never hate her, and maybe she will realised her wrongdoings one day. A lot ppl said being rejected is terrible, and I can tell you I feel very bad when I rejected her love.

It's undeniable that every single gay will have a woman who is after him.

I didn't regret what I have deal with her as I always believe, to achieve happiness, I must be sincere to myself and to other people.


At 4:22 PM, Blogger Mr RM said...

I know how it feels for you! I guess, that's the hardest part of being gay!

At 5:21 PM, Blogger shine said...

I have tons of women going after me and all of them know i am gay...WHY LAAR WHY............................. lololol Cipek!

At 8:57 PM, Blogger Harvey said...

Correction: Every single hot man will have woman after them, whether they're gay or not.

It'd be a miracle for me.

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Bryan said...

the searcher: i agree with u. but we must learn how to reject someone for the best of all.

shine: maybe u look like a woman lor.. ha ha ha. so many women after u? hmmm... good sign for u, mr 'don juan' shine. can show me which one ah? ;)

harvey: believe me, it's true. Seen many cases. U r damn hot, harvey. Maybe u don't realise it ;)

At 4:40 AM, Blogger hcpen said...

You did the right thing:)

At 3:32 AM, Blogger ça va pas la tête said...

i think as long as a person is not like us, they will never understand.. no matter how hard they try. ;)


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